
Jeremy Conrad

Lecturer in New Testament

Jeremy serves as the Executive Director of the Calvary Family of Churches, a family of churches committed to making Jesus non-ignorable. His passion is to make joyful disciples of Jesus, and he’s had the privilege of doing so among at-risk youth in inner city Atlanta, in the orphanages and slums of Rio de Janeiro, and among the homeless in Denver. He’s also served as a pastor/elder at different churches, most recently at Calvary Wellspring. Jeremy has studied at Berry College (Bachelor of Arts, Sociology), Seminário Teológico Betel (Pastoral Degree), and Faith Seminary (Master of Divinity). At Tennent, he provides operational support and teaches introductory Greek. He enjoys hot weather, Puritan books, and any activity that gets him outdoors with his lovely and adventurous wife Caroline and his three amazing kids, Tatianna, Olivia, and Caleb.