Cory Hartman

A Few Books from our Shelves

A Few Books from our Shelves

We can’t help but agree with C.S. Lewis, who said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” All of us at Tennent are book lovers, and it is largely by reading that we have been shaped to know and love Christ, to engage the world’s great thinkers, to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. From time to time we would like to share a few favorite titles from our own bookshelves for your reading pleasure. Here’s a small sample of books that are fascinating, encouraging, challenging, and lively. Enjoy!

The Upper Room: God's Disciple-Making Vision

The Upper Room: God's Disciple-Making Vision

Is this what Christ called us to do: tie people emotionally to a place, personalities, programs, and people? Cory Hartman and Will Mancini urge us to get beyond attractional ministry to focus on what really matters: discipleship. Hartman, one of our adjunct faculty in applied theology, is the Lead Content Developer at Auxano, the ministry consulting organization founded by Will Mancini to help churches realize their vision.