

As we explain on our Tuition & Fees page, we strive to keep costs absolutely as low as possible for our students. Seminary is designed to bless ministry leaders, and we want to help you avoid financial stress. The following scholarships aim to help still further in our goal of keeping costs down.


Priscilla & Aquila Scholarship

We believe that couples have a beautiful opportunity to serve Christ together, and we want to equip you to do that well. Spouses are always welcome to audit classes. Qualified spouses may also apply for the Priscilla and Aquila Scholarship, which provides up to 100% free tuition for one of the two students. Spouses must individually meet admission standards, apply separately, and agree to study concurrently as a couple to be eligible for this award.

Huntingdon Scholarship

Named for Selina Hastings, the Countess of Huntingdon, whose extraordinary generosity helped to fund the work of Christian leaders such as George Whitefield and John Wesley, this scholarship will provide a $1,000 award to offset tuition.

Liele Scholarship

This award is named for George Liele, the extraordinary pastor and missionary whose efforts brought the gospel to some 8,000 slaves in Jamaica. The Liele Scholarship will provide recipients with $3,225, the cost of an entire semester’s tuition, in increments of $645 each term. (Renewal of this award will be automatic each year that a student remains in good standing.)