Theological education has never truly been about the person receiving it. It is about sharing it, giving it away. This is the Tennent vision. The fifth and final residency (the field practicum) of every cohort will be spent overseas, putting this theological education to work. The mission trip with your cohort will be at a site in the Global South, where theological famine is real, and we can have a small hand in passing along all that we have received.

Ninety five percent of seminary graduates serve among the five percent of the world’s most reached population. That is a heartbreaking statistic given that eighty five percent of evangelical churches in the world are led by pastors with no formal theological training. Tennent is committed to being part of the solution.

We seek to cultivate leaders with a global vision, committed to Great Commission work and stewarding the resource of education responsibly, compassionately, and selflessly.

As every graduating cohort will be sent overseas, we hope to develop a sister site where pastors and ministry leaders with little access to training resources will be able to receive free theological education, taught by students, under the guidance of Tennent faculty members. Thus, for every student in the United States, another student halfway across the world will receive the same training for free. Tennent students will teach a week long class in the area of their concentration. What better way to finish well?