
Mark Hallock

Assistant Professor of Applied Theology

Mark Hallock serves as the Lead Pastor of Calvary Church in Englewood, Colorado. He also serves as President of the Calvary Family of Churches, a family of churches committed to planting and replanting churches for the glory of God (thecalvary.org). His great desire is to see the gospel transform lives and neighborhoods through the planting of new congregations, along with the revitalization of declining congregations, throughout the city of Denver and beyond. He has studied at Eastern University (Bachelor of Arts, Youth and Family Ministry), Denver Seminary (Master of Divinity), and Westminster Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry). Mark has served as an adjunct professor at both Westminster Theological Seminary and Denver Seminary. At Westminster, Mark has taught evangelism, missions and church planting in the D.Min. program, and at Denver Seminary, a course on youth ministry. He has also written a number of books including The Shepherd Preacher, Replant Roadmap, and The Posture of a Godly Leader. Mark is a big fan of tennis, pop punk music, and good Mexican food. His favorite hobby is hanging out with his wife, Jenna, and their two kids, Zoe and Eli.